Poucas palavras:

Blog criado por Bruno Coriolano de Almeida Costa, professor de Língua Inglesa desde 2002. Esse espaço surgiu em 2007 com o objetivo de unir alguns estudiosos e professores desse idioma. Abordamos, de forma rápida e simples, vários aspectos da Língua Inglesa e suas culturas. Agradeço a sua visita.

"Se tivesse perguntado ao cliente o que ele queria, ele teria dito: 'Um cavalo mais rápido!"

quinta-feira, 30 de junho de 2011

[CULTURE] Clink Prison Museum

The Clink Prison Museum is built upon the original site of the Clink Prison. The Prison dates back to 1144 making it one of England’s oldest, if not the oldest Prison. Visitors will experience a hand on educational experience allowing them to handle original artifacts, including torture devices, as well as the opportunity to view and hear the amazing stories of the inmates and the notorious South bank. 

Owned by the Bishop of Winchester, The Clink Prison was used to control the South bank of London known as “The Liberty of The Clink”. This area housed much of London’s entertainment establishments including four theatres, bull-baiting, bear-baiting, inns and many other darker entertainments.

The Clink Prison was only a small part of a vast complex on the Backside that the Bishop owned called Winchester House. At one point in history Henry VIII planned to take control of the palace and use it as his own. Parts of the Great Hall still stand even today including the world famous Rose Arch Window preserved by English Heritage. 

Visitors to the area included individuals such as William Shakespeare, King Henry VIII, Sir Francis Drake, Geoffrey Chaucer and many more.

Why not explore the prison that gave its name to all others?

The clink Prison.

For more

sábado, 25 de junho de 2011

[vídeo] O Passeio Fantástico de Will & Ed

Existe um abismo enorme entre a realidade e o mundo literário. No mundo real tudo é composto de verdades imutáveis; no mundo literário tudo é possível. Nesse vídeo o encontro dos dois maiores nomes da Letras da Língua Inglesa: E. A. Poe e W. Shakespeare.

Edgar Allan Poe & Shakespeare seriam membros de qualquer seleção de escritores de qualquer galáxia do universo.

Espero que gostem do vídeo. 

Worldwide Diabetes More than Doubled Since 1980

Worldwide Diabetes More than Doubled Since 1980
By Katherine Harmon | Jun 25, 2011 11:30 AM

Diabetes incidence has been climbing precipitously in the developed world along with rises in obesity rates and dietary and other lifestyle changes. But a massive new study finds that the rest of the global population has not been immune to these changes. Globally, the rate of diabetes has more than doubled in the past three decades.

For the new study, researchers analyzed the blood glucose levels of more than 2.7 million adults (25 years and older) in 199 countries. By their calculation, as of 2008 about 350 million people had diabetes, a disease that renders the body unable to properly control blood sugar levels and can lead to kidney failure and death. In 1980, that figure was closer to 153 million. The new work published online June 25 in 
The Lancet.

"Diabetes is one of the biggest causes of morbidity and mortality worldwide," Majid Ezzati, of the Center for Environment and Health at Imperial College in London and co-author of the new study, said in a prepared statement. The escalation of 
diabetes stands "in contrast to blood pressure and cholesterol, which have both fallen in many regions," he added. But "diabetes is much harder to prevent and treat." Not only is there no cure for diabetes, it is also a costly disease. In the U.S. alone, it eats up about $174 billion each year for the approximately 18 million people who have been diagnosed.

Much of the rise can be attributed to an aging population. But about 30 percent of the increase is likely due to other factors, such as lifestyle changes and obesity.

The biggest increases were in Pacific Island countries and Saudi Arabia, and the lowest overall rates were in sub-Saharan Africa. When averaged across countries, about 9.8 percent of men and 9.2 percent of women now have diabetes.

Martin Tobais, of the Health and Disability Intelligence department of the New Zealand Ministry of Health, calls the new findings stark, in an essay also published online in The Lancet. There is an "urgent need…to strengthen basic surveillance of dysglycaemia and diabetes," he noted. The disease often goes undiagnosed, even in countries such as the U.S., where medical care is typically more accessible than in the developing world. The American Diabetes Association estimates that more than a quarter of people with diabetes in the U.S. have not been diagnosed, which can lead to worse health outcomes.

Image: U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs

[VIDEO] Michael Jackson They Don't Care About Us

Dois anos depois da morte do ídolo do pop, o blog faz sua homenagem. Clip feito no Brasil. Curtam. Particularmente não sou fã do cara.

sexta-feira, 24 de junho de 2011

Falsos Cognatos: BRAVE

BRAVE = corajoso
ANGRY, MAD = bravo

Este adjetivo da língua inglesa é usado para descrever alguém que tem “coragem”, “bravura”, “intrepidez”, “ousadia”, “ânimo”, “denodo” etc., portanto, tenha cautela ao usar o cognato em português para traduzir “BRAVE” porque “bravo” pode, além de “corajoso” e “intrépido”, significar “irritado” ou “nervoso”. Esta última acepção não existe na palavra inglesa.

Pós-graduação em Inglês

Os cursos de pós-graduação em Línguas Estrangeiras Modernas nesse país são uma beleza. Fica tudo na parte que realmente corresponde ao Brasil.

Quando escolhi fazer parte dessa família que adora ensinar línguas, já tinha em mente o que eu queria ser quando eu crescesse. Ainda hoje sei o que: quero ser professor universitário. Mas eis que surgi algo que só serve para dificultar ainda mais: preciso completar minhas pós-graduações.

Em pesquisa, encontrei algumas universidades e alguns cursos no Brasil. Mesmo havendo algumas opções, ainda não temos muita coisa nas regiões norte e nordeste.


se alguém tiver mais informações sobre essa assunto, peço que compartilhe.

[GRAMMAR] Present Simple

Present Simple

First time here? You may want to see the list of basic facts about tenses.
Quick example:
  • live in New York.
  • We play football every day.
  • The meeting starts at 3 p.m.

The Present Simple is the most basic and common tense in the English language. It is also an interesting tense because it can express both the present and the future.
1.   Facts and generalization
2.   Habits and routines
3.   Permanent situations
4.   State verbs (e.g. be, have, think, know)
5.   Fixed / official arrangement that we can't change
6.   Narrations (e.g. telling a story or a joke)
Apart from the above uses, this tense is also used in:
o   Zero Conditional - If it rains, I go play football.
o   First Conditional We won't get our pocket money, if we don't pass this exam.
o   In sentences after "when""before""till""after""as soon as" ("Before you leave, please take the keys").
USE 1: Facts and Generalizations

The first and most important use of the Present Simple is to talk about things we believe are (or are not) true. It's also used to generalize about somebody or something.

  • It is a big house.
  • He talks a lot.
  • Berlin is the capital city of Germany.
  • Buenos Aires is a large city.
  • The Elephant doesn't fly.
  • Dogs don't smoke cigarettes.
  • A dog is not large than an elephant
  • London is the capital city of France. (Remember: the sentence doesn't have to be true)


In this cartoon, you can see a scientist who says: "The Earth goes around the Sun". 
  • Why is this in Present Simple? Because the scientist expresses a fact, something that he believes is true (in this case, he is right: the Earth really goes around the Sun).

USE 2: Habits and Routines

We also use this tense to indicate that an activity is a habit or a routine. 

  • We leave for work at 7.30 every morning.
  • Susan often meets with her friends after school.
  • They usually play football on Sunday.
  • Mark rarely visits his sick grandmother.

The Present Simple tense is often used with the frequency adverbs:
Adverbs of frequency
Adverbs of frequency say how often an activity happens. We can use one word or a phrase.
  • always
  • never
  • frequently/often
  • usually
  • seldom/rarely
  • nowadays
  • every week/year
  • sometimes/occasionally
  • from time to time
Here are a few examples of how to use them in sentences:
  • I always go to church on Sundays.
  • I never eat anything after 10 p.m.

In this cartoon, you can see a boy who says: "I play basketball every Friday" (click on the now button to see this). 
  • Why is this in Present Simple? Because the boy talks about a habit, something that he does regularly.

USE 3: Pernament Situations

Use the Present Simple to talk about situations in life that last a relatively long time. 

  • I live in Boston
  • He works as a fireman.
  • Margaret drives a Porshe.
  • Jerry doesn't teach maths at highschool.
USE 4: State Verbs

You should use the Present Simple with state verbs. 

  • I like swimming.
  • We know this man.
  • Margaret drives a Porshe.
  • Jerry doesn't teach maths at highschool.
USE 5: Fixed / Official arrangements

Use the Present Simple to talk about events that we can't change (for example, an official meeting or a train departure).

  • The meeting starts at 4 pm.
  • The train leaves at the noon.
  • When does the plane take off?
  • Jerry doesn't teach maths at highschool.

USE 6: Narrations

The Present Simple is also used in narrations (e.g. to tell a story or a joke).

  • A man goes to visit a friend and is amazed to find him playing chess with his dog. He watches the game in astonishment for a while [...]


Para aqueles amantes das estórias de super-heróis em quadrinhos da MARVEL. X-men primeira classe veio salvar as ultimas adaptações para as telinhas.

Nesse trailer, o inicio da turma do professor X (Xavier) e Erik (Magneto). Mesmo com a inclusão de alguns novos super vilões, a adaptação ficou muito boa e empolgante.

Espero que gostem. Eu vi o filme e gostei.  


Mossoró is the second most populous city in the state of Rio Grande do Norte, Brazil. It is in the heart of Brazil's salt production area, and its largest land-based petroleum industry. For Brazilians, the city's main claim to fame is its association with the Robin Hood figure "Lampião" who led a gang of cangaceiros in the sertão during the 1920s and 30s. It was also the city that first allowed a woman to vote in Latin America, Professor Celina Guimarães Viana, in 1928, starting a movement among others cities and states of Brazil until the official recognition of feminine vote by the federation, in 1934. The city is the seat of the Roman Catholic Diocese of Mossoró. The city is home to the Federal University of the Semi-Arid.
Culture and Recreation
Although it does not have beaches on its territory, Mossoró allows access to several beaches in neighboring towns in the Costa Branca Pole, as the city's deserted beaches of Areia Branca city, beyond the famous beach of Canoa Quebrada (Ceará). The Resistance Museum tells the story of the city. Among other attractions, the most famous is Mossoró Cidade Junina that attracts more than a million people during the month of June.
The city has a beautiful historic town, a hub of fascinating stories of the region's development. Main attractions include the Lauro Escócia Museum, also known as Museum of Cangaço; the Station of Arts, old railway station, the Oil Museum, the St. Vincent Church, the Cathedral of Santa Luzia, the famous Palace of Resistance and the famous Central Market and the Railway Bridge, among other cultural things. The city also has a mall, Mossoró West Shopping. In Mossoró there is the Thermas resort, which is the largest thermal water park in the country.

quinta-feira, 23 de junho de 2011

[JOKE]The blonde in the library

The blonde in the library
A blonde walks into a library and says, "Can I have a burger and fries?"
The librarian says, "I'm sorry, this is a library."
So the blonde whispers, "Can I have a burger and fries?"
Vocabulary Help
  • blonde - loura
  • fries - fritas
  • library - biblioteca
  • whisper - sussurrar