In this cartoon from The Independent, Schrank uses a visual metaphor for the eurozone debt crisis. EU leaders are portrayed as ducks being sucked into a eurozone whirlpool. We can assume that the duck which has already disappeared into the hole is former Greek Prime Minister George Papandreou. Next in line is outgoing Italian PM Silvio Berlusconi. Nicolas Sarkozy and Angela Merkel are swirling round on the outside, while David Cameron looks on in dismay (the UK is not part of the eurozone but risks being tipped into recession by the eurozone debt crisis).
It's possible that the cartoonist was also thinking about the expression 'to go down the plughole'. A plughole is the small hole in a bath or sink which allows the water to drain away. If something goes down the plughole, it is wasted or ruined.
• Austerity measures are hurting and without the necessary rate cut to help with the pain, Portugal could be heading down the plug hole.
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