Poucas palavras:

Blog criado por Bruno Coriolano de Almeida Costa, professor de Língua Inglesa desde 2002. Esse espaço surgiu em 2007 com o objetivo de unir alguns estudiosos e professores desse idioma. Abordamos, de forma rápida e simples, vários aspectos da Língua Inglesa e suas culturas. Agradeço a sua visita.

"Se tivesse perguntado ao cliente o que ele queria, ele teria dito: 'Um cavalo mais rápido!"

domingo, 10 de agosto de 2014

Vídeos e aulas de Língua Inglesa.

Todos nós professores sabemos dos benefícios dos vídeos no ensino de línguas estrangeiras. A relação é bastante frutífera! Não preciso ficar argumentando ou falando sobre seus benefícios. Nesta postagem, pretendo apenas mostrar um vídeo que fizemos nos três últimos dias de aula com uma turminha legal pra caramba.

Primeiro, pedi aos alunos para tentar escrever o script para que pudéssemos ensaiar. Encontramos os locais, ideias para a filmagem do vídeo e pronto... fizemos este vídeo aqui embaixo:

Este vídeo foi postado há três semanas e ainda temos um número bastante modesto de visualizações, mas a ideia aqui não é sair por aí ganhando curtidas, mas sim passar essa ideia para os professores que estão lendo esta postagem.

Ysa: “hey Fernanda. How have you been?”
Fernanda: “it’s none of your business!”
Ysa: “Why noooot?”
Ysa: “why are you in such a bad mood? I’m the one supposed to be upset!”
Fernanda: “Alright, woman. Tell me what happened”
Ysa:  “Kaio has made me a fool.”
Fernanda: “why is that?”
Libna: “How are you, my dear friend?”
Kaio: “I’m just fine. A little bit sad, but fine.”
Libna: “why is that?”
Kaio: “well, I had arranged to meet Ysa in a restaurant. I arrived and waited for her. After one hour I suddenly realized that I was in the wrong restaurant.”
Libna: “so, you had been waiting for her for one hour when you realized that you were in the wrong restaurant?”
Kaio: “That’s right!”
Libna: “Oh, boy. Tsc, tsc, tsc… erm… you know… why don’t you call her?”
Kaio: “well, I’ve tried to call her, but I think I deleted her number by mistake.”

Cinthia: “So, I was thinking about a special couple in our class…”
Doug: “Really?! Who?”
Cinthia: “It’s about Ysa and Kaio. Don’t you think they’ll be cute together?”
Doug: “Yeah! But what about Libna?! Didn’t you notice anything different on her?”
Cinthia: “Hmm, sometimes… Hey, look! We have to go there and stop that conversation.”

Cinthia: “Hi, what are you guys doing here alone? Can we all sit together?”
Doug: “What are you talking about?”

Edino: “Hi sweetie, how are you?”
Ysa: “I’m not so fine. A little bit sad, really.”
Edino: “What happened? Tell me.”
Ysa: “I was planning to have a date with Kaio today but he didn’t show up.”
Edino: “You don’t have to finish the story. I just want his number. NOW!”

Ysa: “Look daddy, he is here with other friends!”
Edino: “Come with me.”
Edino: “Hey Kaio, I’m Ysa’s father. My name is Edino. We have to talk.”
Kaio: “OK sr.”

Lucas: “Hi Ysa, how are you?”
Ysa: “I really don’t know. I’m worried, I think.”

Kaio: “Hey! What are you doing here?”
Lucas: “Just talking to Ysa.”
Kaio: “I know you have a crush on her but we have something so, get out of here.”
Lucas: “Hell, no!”
Edino: “Ysa, you come with me!”
Ysa: “But…”
Edino: “Ysa, now!”
Ysa: “Bye everybody.”

Both: Wow! That’s gonna make a great movie one day!
Geison: I think this is gonna be the best movie I’ve ever seen. What do you think about it?
Eduardo: I don’t know, man… how can I know, I am a freelancer? Lol
The end!

Thank you guys – see you around! 

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