Poucas palavras:

Blog criado por Bruno Coriolano de Almeida Costa, professor de Língua Inglesa desde 2002. Esse espaço surgiu em 2007 com o objetivo de unir alguns estudiosos e professores desse idioma. Abordamos, de forma rápida e simples, vários aspectos da Língua Inglesa e suas culturas. Agradeço a sua visita.

"Se tivesse perguntado ao cliente o que ele queria, ele teria dito: 'Um cavalo mais rápido!"

quinta-feira, 10 de novembro de 2011

[Reading] Salvem a Karyn (ponto) com.

Essa postagem serve para praticar inglês e de lição para aquelas pessoas que são extremamente consumistas (shopaholic). Essa moça, KARYN BOSNAK, ficou famosa porque gastou mais do que ganhava e se encontrava no vermelho quando teve a ideia de criar esse website (clique aqui) para pedir ajuda aos internautas. Resultado? A moça se deu tão bem na vida que até escreveu um livro (Twenty times a lady) que virou filme (What’s your number?).

Incrível como as coisas acontecem em países como os Estados Unidos. Mais uma ideia que ganhou a aceitabilidade do público e fez uma nova superstar. Karyn tinha uma dívida de $20.000 e saiu pela internet pedindo. Ela pediu e foi atendida. Hoje é celebridade.

Her story:

In 2002, Karyn Bosnak was an unemployed shopaholic who had run up over $20,000 in credit card bills and was in debt.
With no way to pay her bills, what was this woman to do? 
Bosnak was a nice girl and self-proclaimed compulsive shopper who only wanted the designer clothes and name brands she believed she deserved. As a former Manhattan native, she was used to the finer things in life. The only thing she forgot was that the finer things came with a price tag that would eventually need to be paid off. After years of using credit cards to buy Starbucks lattes and shop on eBay, her bills finally caught up with her resulting in $20,221 in unpaid expenditures. Her luck got worse when she was let go from her job and with no way to solve her money troubles — her future seemed bleak.


Save Karyn: One Shopaholic's Journey to Debt and Back

Drowning in $20,000 of credit card debt, shopaholic Karyn Bosnak asked strangers for money online — and it worked!
What would you do if you owed $20,000? Would you:

A) not tell your parents?
B) start your own website that asked for money without apology? or
C) stop coloring your hair, getting pedicures, and buying Gucci?

If you were Karyn Bosnak, you’d do all three.
Karyn received e-mails from people all over the world, either confessing their own debt-ridden lives, or criticizing hers. But after four months of Internet panhandling and selling her prized possessions on eBay, her debt was gone!

In Save Karyn: One Shopaholic’s Journey to Debt and Back, Karyn details the bumpy road her financial—and personal—life has traveled to get her where she is today: happy, grateful, and completely debt-free. In this charming cautionary tale, Karyn chronicles her glamorous rise, her embarrassing fall, and how the kindness of strangers in cyberia really can make a difference.

You’re probably jealous that you didn’t think of it first.

Vejam agora a carta que servia de abertura para seu antigo website savekaryn.com:

Hello everyone,
Thank you all for visiting my website! My name is Karyn and I’m asking for your help. I need $20,000 to pay my credit card bill. I need $1 from $20,000 people, or $2 from 10,000 people, or $5 from 4,000 people. SO I’M ASKING… Give me $1. Give me $5. Give me $20 if you want.

Leia o resumo do livro:

Book Description

How many men does it take to find true love?
Delilah Darling's magic number was supposed to be twenty. She always thought she'd find the perfect guy by the time she'd slept with twenty of them. But when she wakes up naked in her disgusting boss's bed after a drunken night out, she's filled with regret -- and realizes she's hit her self-imposed limit. Unwilling to up her number but unable to imagine a life of celibacy, Delilah does what any girl in her situation would do: she tracks down every man she's ever slept with in a last-ditch effort to make it work with one of them.

A hilarious romp through Delilah's past loves, 20 Times a Lady proves that in the end, numbers don't matter. True love will come when you're open and ready to accept it.

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