Poucas palavras:

Blog criado por Bruno Coriolano de Almeida Costa, professor de Língua Inglesa desde 2002. Esse espaço surgiu em 2007 com o objetivo de unir alguns estudiosos e professores desse idioma. Abordamos, de forma rápida e simples, vários aspectos da Língua Inglesa e suas culturas. Agradeço a sua visita.

"Se tivesse perguntado ao cliente o que ele queria, ele teria dito: 'Um cavalo mais rápido!"

quarta-feira, 20 de novembro de 2013

New Word: Selfie.

“Selfie” (Pronunciation: /ˈsɛlfi/) is the top new word of 2013, according to the Oxford Dictionaries. It’s a photo you take of yourself (usually on a smartphone).


Occasional selfies are acceptable, but posting a new picture of yourself every day isn’t necessary

Therefore, you have probably seen many examples of “selfie” online because it is not unusual these days. Moreover, people love taking pictures of themselves, especially in front of the mirror (“mirror… mirror on the wall who is the most beautiful of all?”) 

I particularly have never taken a “selfie” – not even one. Have you realized people’s enthusiasm about that?

Anyway, if you did not know this ‘new word’, you have just learned something right now, right?

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