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Blog criado por Bruno Coriolano de Almeida Costa, professor de Língua Inglesa desde 2002. Esse espaço surgiu em 2007 com o objetivo de unir alguns estudiosos e professores desse idioma. Abordamos, de forma rápida e simples, vários aspectos da Língua Inglesa e suas culturas. Agradeço a sua visita.

"Se tivesse perguntado ao cliente o que ele queria, ele teria dito: 'Um cavalo mais rápido!"

sábado, 26 de março de 2016

Teacher's Portfolio. How To Stop Collecting Tons Of Photocopies.

Being a teacher means to be a collector. At one point in your career you understand that you store so much paper that you could easily wallpaper the whole school with it. And, the weirdest thing about that is your obsession with the stuff: you carefully sort out the copies every vacation, keep memories about each of them, where it was taken, in what class it was used, what students liked about it. It becomes your own memorabilia, thus, kills the sense of having a portfolio - easy and quick access to materials for extra practice. If you caught yourself on not using at least 30% of photocopies kept in your files, this post is for you.

So, here are my thoughts and the ways that let me get more sensible about my portfolio.


You are sure to have a good library, and there is always a way to fit a little more into the bookcase, but let's be honest, technology really allows us to save space, effort and time. You download, store, if necessary - print out. A lot of apps help you out to cut out a smaller extract from books and Word. There is no need to use paper, a lot of files, and it's much faster to find something via Search on your computer than in the piles you have round your living space.


When you store on your computer, materials are easy to be lost or forgotten. Sometimes, it can take twice the time to find and print out the copy. The best way to avoid is to have a strict and comprehensible navigation. You need to choose categories (by level, by language aspect, by task types) and you need to sort out the downloads every time or, at least, once a week. The most important point here is for you to understand the storage system, I mean, even if it seems crazy to another person, for you it may be the most comfortable way to keep the data.


Firstly, here you keep some pen-to-board ideas (brief notes on tasks which are easy to organize in class without using any materials apart from the board), I personally keep a note of some games or icebreakers, some interesting facts, and quotes which demonstrate certain constructions beautifully. Secondly, if the plan or the task is popular on the Internet, there is no need to store it and to litter your computer, just write down the name of the book/video/lesson, and when the time comes, you'll google it.


If you use a blog or a website for more than a couple of times, subscribe. Seriously, it will save your time, you'll have access to all new materials, and you will remember the name of "that teacher who had a great idea on that subject". And, don't forget that every day teachers invent and re-invent, as well as the language develops and changes, so you need to keep up with the new trends, update your tasks, but keep the classics.


If you haven't used a copy at least twice in a few years, you don't need it. Throw it out. If something you found seems too good to be thrown out, but there is no way you can use it in your class, share it with the world - give away to a colleague or post on your social net page.

Of course, there are things which we never use but always keep, just in case. But with those of frequent usage you need to follow simple steps which make your work convenient and your teaching style more disciplined.

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