Poucas palavras:

Blog criado por Bruno Coriolano de Almeida Costa, professor de Língua Inglesa desde 2002. Esse espaço surgiu em 2007 com o objetivo de unir alguns estudiosos e professores desse idioma. Abordamos, de forma rápida e simples, vários aspectos da Língua Inglesa e suas culturas. Agradeço a sua visita.

"Se tivesse perguntado ao cliente o que ele queria, ele teria dito: 'Um cavalo mais rápido!"

sexta-feira, 31 de julho de 2015

What Happens One Hour After Drinking A Can Of Coke.

Something that really surprised me when working as a pharmacist was why people would still gain weight even though they were following a strict low fat diet.
After seeing so many people suffering from obesity related diseases like heart disease, diabetes and the side effects of the medication they were taking, I was strongly motivated to research what actually causes people to become obese, it clearly was not just the fat they were eating!
I actually discovered that a trigger factor for many widespread diseases of the west such as obesity, heart disease and diabetes could be closely linked to the consumption of one particular substance found in many processed foods and drinks – fructose in the form of high fructose corn syrup.
Fructose is the form of high fructose corn syrup is found in pretty much all processed foods such as ready meals, fast foods, sweets and fizzy drinks and most people are totally unaware of its danger.
It is also often found in ‘low fat’ supposedly healthy alternatives and even many popular weight loss products because food with the fat taken out simply tastes horrible. High fructose corn syrup in combination with many other additives are usually added to enhance the flavor.
Glucose is the type of sugar our body loves. It gets metabolized by every cell in our body and is very easy to burn with very few toxic by-products. It also tells the brain to stop eating when you are full.
Fructose on the other hand is another type of sugar and is found in sucrose which breaks down to glucose and fructose.
Fructose is actually only metabolized by the liver and it’s very similar to ethanol (the alcohol in drinks).  When you consume it, it’s actually like ethanol but without the high. It confuses the liver and ends up making lots of bad fats in the process.  It also doesn’t signal your brain that you are full.  This is why people can drink massive cups of fizzy drinks which are high in fructose and still eat huge meals containing refined foods that are also full of fructose.
Many fruits also contain fructose, but nature has provided the antidote, as these fruits are also packed with fibre which prevents your body from absorbing too much of it.
When I advised people to reduce their consumption of high fructose corn syrup by eating lower carb/higher protein diets free from processed foods, even if they say they are healthy options, they started to lose weight and feel much better as a result.
In many cases I asked people to just stop their consumption of fizzy drinks like Coca Cola  and instead swap it with either plain water, or add some freshly squeezed lemon for flavor.
Green tea is also a great alternative, and it is one of my personal favorites because it contains alpha wave stimulating theanine that also double serves as an antidote to the harmful effects of caffeine.
Those who loved to drink tea and coffee sweetened with lots of sugar, I advised to swap with natural sweeteners like stevia instead. This alone had some remarkable results.
There are 1.6 billion servings of Coke sold each day worldwide!! A very significant percentage of that is through supermarket chains like WALMART.

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João Pessoa, Paraíba (From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia)

João Pessoa is the capital of the state of Paraíba in Brazil. It was founded in 1585 and sometimes is called the city where the sun rises first, as it is the easternmost city in the Americas at 34º47'38"W, 7º9'28"S. Its easternmost point is known as Ponta do Seixas. The city is considered "the second greenest in the world", with more than 7 square kilometres (2.7 sq mi) of forested land, second only to Paris, France. It gained this distinction in 1992 after a survey of urban centres in various countries carried out by the United Nations (source: Embassy of Brazil in the UK). The city is characterized by the juxtaposition of tropical beaches, modern architecture, and historic buildings from colonial periods.

João Pessoa is the capital of Paraíba, a state in the northeast region of Brazil and home to 19th and 20th century Brazilian poets and writers such as Augusto dos Anjos, José Américo de Almeida, José Lins do Rego, and Pedro Américo.

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quinta-feira, 30 de julho de 2015

Salvador, Bahia [From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia]

Salvador, formerly São Salvador da Bahia de Todos os Santos ("Holy Savior of the Bay of All Saints") and known colloquially as Bahia or Salvador da Bahia is the largest city and the third-largest urban agglomeration on the northeast coast of Brazil; it is the capital of the Northeastern Brazilian state of Bahia.

The city of Salvador is notable in Brazil for its cuisine, music and architecture, and its metropolitan area is the second wealthiest in Brazil's Northeast. The African influence in many cultural aspects of the city makes it the centre of preto culture. African cultural practices are celebrated.

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quarta-feira, 22 de julho de 2015

O que significa scumbag?

Você pode até não saber o significado de tal palavra, mas estou certo de que você já se esbarrou com muitos scrumbags por aí!

Scrumbag, ao pé da letra, quer dizer “saco de escória”. Tal expressão designa uma pessoa de má índole, principalmente alguém que faz coisas de forma “desonesta” e “ilegal”.

Qual tradução vocês dariam para a seguinte frase?

He’s a real scrumbag!

Eu traduziria assim:

Ele é um cuzão (pessoal horrível).

Existem outras expressões que podem ter o mesmo significado na língua inglesa.

Outras palavras que podem ser usadas com o mesmo sentindo de scrumbag são:

Asshole (US) ou arsehole (UK)
Schlep/schmuck (US)
Tosser (UK)
Wanker (US)

 Sem mais, fica aqui o meu agradecimento por sua visita ao blog.
Se gostou, compartilhe.

P.s.: Esta postagem teve como ponto de partida a dica do livro Slang – gírias atuais do inglês de Jack Scholes.


Scholes, J. (2004). Slang – gírias atuais do inglês (1st ed., p. 97). São Paulo, São Paulo: Disal Editora.

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segunda-feira, 20 de julho de 2015

Animated English - Cookie Recipe. (In this lesson a TV chef presents a recipe for cookies)

I believe you guys will like this one!

Animated English is a series of animated video lessons for learners of English. Each lesson features a dialogue based on an everyday situation, a 'listen and repeat' activity, a listening comprehension text, and some personal questions. The accompanying PDF files contain transcripts, language notes, worksheets, crosswords and word search puzzles.
In this lesson a TV chef presents a recipe for cookies. You can download the PDF for this lesson here. A similar PDF is available for each lesson.
The complete set of ten lessons is available on several different platforms - choose the one that suits you best!

• YouTube Channel
Animated English (a dedicated blog)
iTunes U Collection (for computers)
iTunes U Course (for tablets and phones)

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domingo, 19 de julho de 2015

O que é ‘intelligence’ em português?

O substantivo intelligence não significa apenas “inteligência”. Tal palavra inglesa é usada no contexto militar com significado de “informações”; “serviço de informações” ou “serviço secreto”. Para ajudar a guardar esse significado lembre-se da sigla “CIA” – Central Intelligence Agency, a agencia central de inteligência, ou seja, o serviço secreto americano.

“We acted on the intelligence we had at the time and decided to storm the embassy and rescue the hostages”, an Army spokesman told the press.

“Nós agimos de acordo com as informações que tínhamos no momento e decidimos invadir a embaixada e resgatar os reféns”, um porta-voz do exército disse à imprensa.

“Based on the intelligence we have at the moment, the best course of action is to immediately send troops to the region”, said Colonel Carter.

“De acordo com as informações que temos no momento, o melhor a fazer é enviar soldados imediatamente à região”, disse o coronel Carter.

Sim, ‘intelligence’ pode sim significar ‘inteligência’ também!

Essa postagem foi baseada no livro Falsos Cognatos – looks can be deceiving de José R. A. Igreja.

Espero que tenham curtido.

Chegamos aos cinco mil seguidores no Facebook. Valeu, galera!!!

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sábado, 18 de julho de 2015

What does ‘an early night’ mean?

I am not going to take much of your time today. I know how busy you guys must have been recently. In fact, I know that this is the time of the year when people take a break from their, say, academic obligations. Yes, we are all on vacation! Great!

I am going straight to the point, then.


I think I will get an early night.

What does ‘an early night’ mean?
Well, in case you haven’t figure it out, I will provide you with some more examples:

Hey John, I think you need an early night.
I’ve had a hell of a day, and all I want is an early night.

Meaning: if you have an early night, you go to bed earlier than usual.
Are you able to write more sentences using ‘an early night’?

Now that you know the meaning of ‘an early night’, I would like to remind you that the opposite of this expression is ‘a late night’ as in I think I’ll have a late night.

See you guys around!

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domingo, 5 de julho de 2015

"Did you go to Nautilus for middle school?" Judge recognizes burglary suspect as childhood friend.

What are the odds? Ok, I believe you folks have seen this video already!

It is a video about an unexpected class reunion – a sad one, I would add.

Let’s give our characters names, shall we?

Ladies and gentlemen, meet Mindy Glazer, a Florida judge who was presiding over the case of a man arrested for burglary and theft on Thursday.


Arthur Booth, a 49-year-old man from Miami who was in court for a hearing on a burglary charge.

Now that we are not strangers to each other, let’s understand what really happened.

(Warning) Be ready for this. It will break your heart!

Well, sadly, burglary suspect Arthur Booth meets his childhood friend and breaks down in shock when he realizes that her life has taken, say, another direction.

It needs only one question to break the ice and take the man down:

"Did you go to Nautilus for middle school?" Glazer asked the suspect standing before her. 

Booth starts crying “Oh my goodness, oh my goodness”

“I’m sorry to see you there, I always wondered what happened to you, sir,” said Judge Glazer. “This was the nicest kid in middle school. He was the best kid in middle school, I used to play football with him ... and look what has happened, I’m so sorry.”

“Mr. Booth, I hope you are able to change your ways, good luck to you,” added the judge.

According to NBC Miami, Booth, 49, was arrested on Monday by police in Hialeah. Citing an arrest report, the station reports he was spotted driving a gold Honda Accord suspected to be tied to a home burglary.

How sad, right?

“What’s sad is how old we’ve become,” joked the judge. 
“I hope you’re able to come out of this OK and lead a lawful life” She said while wishing her childhood friend luck and that he would turn things around.  

Have you ever thought about that? I mean, about how far our decisions, opportunities and the hand of fortune can take us?

It’s not over; there is another video. See Arthur Booth’s cousin talking about his cousin:  

Sad, but what can we do? C'est la vie. It is a French expression that is rather famous in English and other languages; it means "it is the life!" 

Move on Mr. Booth. I do hope you find your way! 

All right, Booth is a 49-year-old person, but as we are all talking about another issue related to justice, crime and the like in Brazil, I would like to ask you these questions:

What should the age of criminal responsibility be? Why?

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quarta-feira, 1 de julho de 2015

“Hope” is the thing with feather (BY EMILY DICKINSON)

I have nothing concerning TESOL to share with you guys today. I am really busy at this very moment. The only thing I would like to show you today is this beautiful poem written by Emily Dickinson. 

“Hope” is the thing with feathers 

“Hope” is the thing with feathers -
That perches in the soul -
And sings the tune without the words -
And never stops - at all -

And sweetest - in the Gale - is heard -
And sore must be the storm -
That could abash the little Bird
That kept so many warm -

I’ve heard it in the chillest land -
And on the strangest Sea -
Yet - never - in Extremity,
It asked a crumb - of me.


The speaker describes hope as a bird (“the thing with feathers”) that perches in the soul. There, it sings wordlessly and without pause. The song of hope sounds sweetest “in the Gale,” and it would require a terrifying storm to ever “abash the little Bird / That kept so many warm.” The speaker says that she has heard the bird of hope “in the chillest land— / And on the strangest Sea—”, but never, no matter how extreme the conditions, did it ever ask for a single crumb from her. (SparkNotes)

Like almost all of Dickinson’s poems, “Hope is the thing with feathers... takes the form of an iambic trimeter that often expands to include a fourth stress at the end of the line (as in “And sings the tune without the words—”). Like almost all of her poems, it modifies and breaks up the rhythmic flow with long dashes indicating breaks and pauses (“And never stops—at all—”). The stanzas, as in most of Dickinson’s lyrics, rhyme loosely in an ABCB scheme, though in this poem there are some incidental carryover rhymes: “words” in line three of the first stanza rhymes with “heard” and “Bird” in the second; “Extremity” rhymes with “Sea” and “Me” in the third stanza, thus, technically conforming to an ABBB rhyme scheme. (SparkNotes)


This simple, metaphorical description of hope as a bird singing in the soul is another example of Dickinson’s homiletic style, derived from Psalms and religious hymns. Dickinson introduces her metaphor in the first two lines (“Hope is the thing with feathers / That perches in the soul—”), then develops it throughout the poem by telling what the bird does (sing), how it reacts to hardship (it is unabashed in the storm), where it can be found (everywhere, from “chillest land” to “strangest Sea”), and what it asks for itself (nothing, not even a single crumb). Though written after “Success is counted sweetest,” this is still an early poem for Dickinson, and neither her language nor her themes here are as complicated and explosive as they would become in her more mature work from the mid-1860s. Still, we find a few of the verbal shocks that so characterize Dickinson’s mature style: the use of “abash,” for instance, to describe the storm’s potential effect on the bird, wrenches the reader back to the reality behind the pretty metaphor; while a singing bird cannot exactly be “abashed,” the word describes the effect of the storm—or a more general hardship—upon the speaker’s hopes. (SparkNotes)


Poetry Foundation. (2015). Retrieved June 27, 2015, from http://www.poetryfoundation.org/poem/171619

SparkNotes Editors. (2002). SparkNote on Dickinson’s Poetry. Retrieved June 27, 2015, from http://www.sparknotes.com/poetry/dickinson/

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